
Monday 24 October 2022

Agenda Setting - Media Gatekeeping

 News stories have different categories that are targeted to different people. A lot of these categories have priority over others on news sites, and so get more attention on them, however these days online, most targeted news goes to their niche audience through the algorithm.

1. Negativity

‘Hard’ News - bad news will almost always be prioritised. 

2. Proximity

Things that happen close to home (domestic news) or that involve people from a local area.

3. Recency 

“Breaking News’

4. Currency

The ‘value’ of a story. If it is useful for people. 

5. Continuity

Stories that are likely to continue for a long time.

6. Simplicity

The easier the story is to understand, the better. 

7. Personality

Often ‘soft’ news surrounds personalities in whom the public has an interest eg. Royal family, celebrities, athletes

8. Uniqueness

If a story is unusual or surprising 

9. Expectedness

Includes diary events - things that happen at a particular time of the year. 

10. Elite nations/people

Western societies such as European countries and the USA will tend to dominate the news. 

11. Exclusivity

When a news channel has footage or information that is not yet in possession of others. 

12. Threshold

How many people are impacted on by an event.

KOMPAS (Indonesian News Site/Paper)

This news would fall under the category of Continuity and Personality as this news talks about the lawyer of a famous indonesian lawyer, at this point possibly considered a celebrity, who has announced the next person he will be defending, Teddy Minaharsa - a high ranking police general - who has been caught in the drug business. This case is likely to come up again in the future, reporting on the different allegations, evidence, etc, thus falling under Continuity. Normally, this kind of case wouldn't be reported on much as it is rather common in Indonesia, but since this is a famous lawyer defending someone important in their government seemingly doing something illegal in the eyes of the public, it can also fall under Personality, targeting people who like gossip about famous/important people.

ORF - Österreichischer Rundfunk (Austrian News Site)

This news would fall under Proximity and Continuity. It talks about football in europe and how the national austrian team of Salzburg is a stepping stone to the elite ranks. It also talks about the lineups of the austrian team. As this is on an austrian news website, it relates to the nation's reputation in the football world, thus falling under Proximity. This news is also likely going to continue to update the football fans regarding their position in the Champions League, as well as how the Champions League will progress from here on out, also regarding the legend Haaland who will be a fierce opponent. Due to that, it falls under Continuity.

Saturday 22 October 2022

What We Do in the Shadows - Binary Opposites/Narrative Codes


Binary Opposites:

- Slave vs Master

   Nandor is one of the 4 main characters of the show, being 1 in 3 main vampires. The 4th main character represents a male human called Guillera who seeks to earn vampire powers by serving under Nandor as a human slave/assistant. We see many exchanges between them through Nandor's superior attitude to him, ordering him around and rewarding him as a master would reward their slave. Although this is what is seen on the outside for this pair, Nandor does seem to care about Guillera as he seems to appreciate their time together.

- Modern vs Old

Near the end of the first episode, we are introduced to a new character, who has the ideals of the old age, where peace is not an option whereas conquest and power is everything. This is Baron Afanas, a Victorian-age vampire who still seeks to create a world dominated by vampires. The main characters however, share a different intentions to this being as they are more focused on personal goals and conflicts rather than the domination of the world that the Baron seeks.

- Supernatural vs Natural

 The concept of this show includes the differences between vampires and humans, thus the opposites of Supernatural vs Natural. It shows how different these two groups can be, and the difference in their power through how the vampires hunt down humans for nutrition. etc. There is also a nod to this opposite that describes a supposedly natural trait supernaturally. We can see this through a character that lives in the same house as the main characters, Collin, who seems like he would just be a normal human, as he does not have any traits of the average vampire such as their weakness to the sun, their tendency to drink blood and even the way he behaves or dresses, rather he is called a vampire but gains energy/nutrition through feeding on other peoples' energy by engaging in boring conversations and bringing the mood of the room down - "draining their energy". He is also able to use this 'power' on vampires, which makes him seem all the more natural yet acknowledged by the vampires as supernatural.

Narrative Codes:

- Proairetic Code: Proairetic code refers to an action that implies further narrative action. This is seen in the episode as Nadja stalks the human called Jeff, implying further involvement of this new character in Nadja's life, Guillermo's desire to become a vampire, implying how he may continue to strive for this goal, etc.

- Hermeneutic Code: Hermeneutic code is something that is unexplained which leaves the audience wondering. This is seen as Nandor keeps delaying the opening of the letter and insisting in going into a certain room to discuss it, where we slowly become more and more eager to find out what's in it.

- Semantic Code: Semantic code refers to an element of the media that seems to have a hidden meaning to it. This is connotated in the series through the vampires' speech and mannerism, which does not seem to be natural to their surroundings, implying that they do not belong there, and are perhaps outsiders inhabiting the area.

- Symbolic Code: Symbolic code is a symbol that explains something to the audience without it being said, such as a specific choice of clothing, expression, etc. It is heavily used in this series using the stereotype of vampires such as the use of cloaks, dark colored clothing, dark houses/rooms, medieval style infrastructure, fangs, hissing, etc.

- Cultural Code: Cultural codes are tropes that are relevant to certain cultures or groups. The cultural code used in this series would be the group known as vampires. They have been represented in media quite often and so the audience is used to seeing them, thus having an idea of what they look like and how they behave.

Thursday 20 October 2022

Radio - Diary

We started working on our scripts for the Radio as well as getting ideas for our jingle, making a few drafts with samples and a beatmaker. We don't have a final yet, but we have an idea of how our jingle will sound already as well as our intro. Our script is already rather complete, as we have the Jingle first, then a 30second intro, a song, jingle, ad, song, and continue the radio show with 5mins of news and 5mins of a game where we guess the song based on the lyrics. 

Worked on Logos today, Sanjaya made more of a circular logo, Jason made more of a metal logo using BUAYA letters, Dhera worked on the FM alot, while i made my logo more based on a crocodile, coming from the word buaya as i think it has a lot of potential to be used as a logo.

Final week of radio project, worked a lot on the logo and called with my teammates to discuss about the editing, recorded a few more things such as the slosh interview. Compiled the audio and logo as a video file, as well as uploaded it to my YouTube channel.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Identity Theory - David Gauntlett

Dress Code:

  • Colorful

  • Designer clothing

  • Dyed perfect hair

How has the identity been constructed? (examples)

  • The identity of these diehard kpop fans has been constructed by them idolising these celebrities and wanting to be like them, from the way their hair looks all the way to the shape of their eyes, face, body, and even their personalities.

What are the readings of the text?

  • Preferred Reading: 

    • KPOP fans who adore how their idols look

    • People in the fashion business affected by new standards

  • Oppositional Reading:

  • People who don't like kpop

  • “This is so unrealistic”

What effect does this have on the audience?

Some people who idolise these celebrities and adore their looks may put effort in to look better, to mimic their style and develop their own identity, but sometimes they happen to copy them too much to the point that it seems unnatural to their own cultural, visual and behavioural identity.

Jump Cuts

This video is the result of our discussion on jump cuts.

A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which a single continuous sequential shot of a subject is broken into two parts, with a piece of footage being removed in order to render the effect of jumping forward in time.

Thursday 13 October 2022

Radio - Survey & Logo Progress


For the first project this term, my group and I, consisting of Dhera, Jason and Sanjaya will be analysing different radio channels, analysing the demographic for our school as an audience and making a radio segment based on how our surveys on our demographic turns out.

These are the results of our survey:

After having done a survey, we started to make a timeline for the radio. We learnt how to use recording equipment alongside looking for jingles for transitions between songs/segments. 

Once we had all our ideas down, we started creating the scripts and jingles. I had made the advertisement script splitting the conversation into 3 people, but not yet decided who says what. Jason and Dhera were working on the different samples we will be using and Sanjaya was researching what to put for the Sports news.

We had now finished recording for all the audio files for the 10min segment radio, and are now moving on to creating the jingle and logos through researching other logos. My group and I are researching separately, as well as making separate designs, later choosing who's design is best to work further on.
I found these logos very interesting as it has a color scheme that is soft on the eyes, yet has a lot of contrast when put on a black background. It is also contained within a shape, which as my teacher said, looks better as in my opinion looks more clickable.
We had already decided on the name Buaya FM (Buaya = Crocodile in Indonesian) and like the way the logo emphasises the length of the crocodile's head by having it protrude out of the frame.
I also like the way a crocodile's tail curls like this, so I have the idea in mind to have the tail wrap around the name of the Radio 'BUAYA' in big letters and 'FM' in smaller letters beside it

These are my 2 final designs for the radio logo, one more suited as the actual logo and one more for an app icon of sorts. I had initially started with the sketch, trying for maybe half an hour just to get the right shape, and then proceeded to do everything else in steps and in different layers. The more i use photoshop the more I learn about it and navigate everything smoother. 
The pick that the crocodile head is poking out of was a free png i found online, and i like how it looks like a collar for the crocodile. while for the actual shape and head of the crocodile i took inspiration from a picture.
I had help from my groupmates for feedback, as well as one of my friends not in media class who helped me clean up the whole thing as a png and shade it better. 

Mr Nick told us to lower the volume of the background music during our talking so we did a little, and I compiled the audio together with the image as a video but with a few changes to the logo, making the background red and using 2 similar images with slightly different changes in color to create a pulsing effect when put together as a video.