
Thursday 13 October 2022

Radio - Survey & Logo Progress


For the first project this term, my group and I, consisting of Dhera, Jason and Sanjaya will be analysing different radio channels, analysing the demographic for our school as an audience and making a radio segment based on how our surveys on our demographic turns out.

These are the results of our survey:

After having done a survey, we started to make a timeline for the radio. We learnt how to use recording equipment alongside looking for jingles for transitions between songs/segments. 

Once we had all our ideas down, we started creating the scripts and jingles. I had made the advertisement script splitting the conversation into 3 people, but not yet decided who says what. Jason and Dhera were working on the different samples we will be using and Sanjaya was researching what to put for the Sports news.

We had now finished recording for all the audio files for the 10min segment radio, and are now moving on to creating the jingle and logos through researching other logos. My group and I are researching separately, as well as making separate designs, later choosing who's design is best to work further on.
I found these logos very interesting as it has a color scheme that is soft on the eyes, yet has a lot of contrast when put on a black background. It is also contained within a shape, which as my teacher said, looks better as in my opinion looks more clickable.
We had already decided on the name Buaya FM (Buaya = Crocodile in Indonesian) and like the way the logo emphasises the length of the crocodile's head by having it protrude out of the frame.
I also like the way a crocodile's tail curls like this, so I have the idea in mind to have the tail wrap around the name of the Radio 'BUAYA' in big letters and 'FM' in smaller letters beside it

These are my 2 final designs for the radio logo, one more suited as the actual logo and one more for an app icon of sorts. I had initially started with the sketch, trying for maybe half an hour just to get the right shape, and then proceeded to do everything else in steps and in different layers. The more i use photoshop the more I learn about it and navigate everything smoother. 
The pick that the crocodile head is poking out of was a free png i found online, and i like how it looks like a collar for the crocodile. while for the actual shape and head of the crocodile i took inspiration from a picture.
I had help from my groupmates for feedback, as well as one of my friends not in media class who helped me clean up the whole thing as a png and shade it better. 

Mr Nick told us to lower the volume of the background music during our talking so we did a little, and I compiled the audio together with the image as a video but with a few changes to the logo, making the background red and using 2 similar images with slightly different changes in color to create a pulsing effect when put together as a video. 

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