
Monday 4 September 2023

Statement of Intent - Doc

This statement of intent was thought up by Baron and I, and was typed down by Jason.

Media Language
We will have a lot of undershots to show that "Bufo Ferulabitus" is a very dangerous disease. We will use a lot of dark foreboding music when approaching "Conc" patients. We simply need to make them look threatening. For the surrounding people affected, we will use full shots with blurred backgrounds with more emotional moody music to show the despair that they feel because of the "Conc" infection. The documentary will likely have a dark and foreboding theme so music similar of that of horror movies may be appropriate to help build that feeling. Creepy ambience will also be a large tool for us to create this feeling as well. Editing will be relatively slow like that in horror movies. However we will resort to goofy edits (such as smash zooms, sound effects, etc.) to make the scene more funny that in actually is.

We are going to give a negative but comedic representation of men who could not get women (incels). They are going to be ridiculed heavily. We choose to follow stereotypes for incels often used on the internet: Terminally online, slightly-morbidly overweight, and nerdy. We will represent them as victims of the disease. As our documentary will be shown to many people who have no knowledge of incels, we will show the disease as something that they must avoid for the better. According to representation theory, incels will get meaning from media pieces like our documentaries. Because of that we feel that it is socially important to show that incels are victims not predators.

This work will be distributed through youtube. Our audiences are terminally online so it would be incredibly easy for them to access our media content through that method. They are also still at school so they may not have a source of income, making youtube a good option as well because it is free for everyone to access. We will also advertise via tiktok, youtube shorts and instagram reels as they are very useful in making things go viral quickly. Their video format is almost identical which would help us promote as it would be cheaper. We will also have a main instagram page to put more content in (such as release date, link, special guests features and promotions).

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