
Monday 4 September 2023

Development - Doc

This is the development for our documentary with ideas, planning and screenplay


Transforming an incel into a rizzler, reality show type. Incel is dumbed down to animalistic nature when exposed to women.


Black screen with data and statistics

News montage

Montage of incel

Interview with incel and mother

Random clips of incel daily life


Mandemic - good, catchy

Homo Erectus

The Male Plague

Man Down

Coitus Evitus

The Red Plague

Humanity’s End: Coitus Evito


Incel : Jeffery

Interviewer : Damarius


School - Mom interview

Jason’s house - news report

Gemi’s house - incel nest


Hazmat suit (raincoat)



Face Shield

Green Screen

Budget Recording Equipment (Branches for microphone stands, etc)

Trash bag uniform

Calon Actor

Incel: Melon, Deva -> audition them

Damarius: Niki B,

Cameraman: Gus, Jason, Baron

Incel Mother: Ticia, 

News Reporters: Jonathan


These are the initial sketches for our thumbnail ideas.

Here are two thumbnails i took inspiration from for this concept

This is our final thumbnail

- The black room with the man behind a brightly lit screen is representative of how stereotypically, people like our main subject 'Steven', incels, are usually considered shut-ins who don't usually step out of their own room, hooked onto something on their screen/internet

- The crack on the screen signifies how he would be considered a 'broken' human being, straying away from the concept of society, no longer conforming to the idea that humans are social creatures.

- The Netflix logo on the top left is to show where our documentary would be released to be viewed by audiences.

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