
Monday 20 November 2023

Screentest - Comp 3

 These are the results of our first screentest conducted on one of our romance story candidates, Melon.

Reflection: As we didnt have much of our structure or storyboard at the time, this was just used to get an idea of what kind of chemistry we want between the two characters. Through this screentest it was clear to us that having a 'bromance' setting would be hard to conduct in a serious manner with people from our school, so we decided to go with a classic romance setting.

Sunday 19 November 2023

Storyboard - Comp 3

 Here is the storyboard that we are basing our shots off of, done by Rania, Baron and I

We made some changes as this storyboard wasnt consice enough to tell us what we needed for our scenes, and decided this time we will stick to the storyboard as accurate as possible. These are the results of our brainstorming over the past 2 weeks

Here is the proper storyboard done by Baron and I, where we spent a few months of the project learning more about composition, shading, and directions on a storyboard that benefitted us in the actual music video.

Reflection: On most of our projects, I worked on the storyboard, and I never gave much effort into it as we almost never used them. However for this project, after our first trial shooting session, we realised that a lot of the shots were taking reference from like other music videos, can be done much easier when we have a proper guide on a storyboard. And so before we truly began filming, Baron and I decided to further develop our artistic skills in this area through lots of youtube videos about drawing people, composition of a camera, motion, props, etc, as well as took advice and guidance from our media teacher and some very talented friends who were kind enough to teach us a few things and give feedback on our storyboards.

Monday 13 November 2023

Location Scouting - Comp 3

These are the results of our location scouting. Every member of the group played a part in taking these pictures as well as writing the risk assessments.


  • Pantai Sanur

  • Pantai Mertasari

  • Level 21 (indoor)

  • Level 21 (genteng biru)

  • Living World Photo Booth


Google Maps Link

Pantai Sanur

Purpose of the shoot:

We want to create some extra footage that we can crosscut with the performance video and record some additional performance clips here

Media Language:

Sunset, empty beach, bare feet in the sand, urban costume (not beachwear)

Pros of Location: 

Very near, looks very good, cheap parking, relatively safe, easy access for equipment, many spots to choose from

Cons of Location

Could be crowded, some spots are a bit dirty, there is construction ongoing, weather is questionable early in the year

Alternative location: 

Mertasari Beach, Kuta Beach


Potential Hazards

Tsunami, Earthquake, Rain

Evaluate Risks

Big earthquakes are quite unlikely given that they occur about once every 100 years, we can ignore earthquakes and tsunamis because of that. The only possibility is rain. Little rain came in during the rainy season which may mean extreme weather conditions coming up

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

  • Prepare a place to runaway to in the case of a Tsunami (probably Gemi’s house)

  • Prepare extra rain coats to cover electronics in the event that it rains suddenly.

  • Plan our recording day based on the weather forecast

  • Go on weekdays, forget weekends


  • Mertasari Beach

  • Kuta Beach


Google Maps Link

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:

When the characters are spending time together 

Media Language:

Sunset, dark but not too dark, silhouettes, calm waters, not crowded

Pros of Location: 

Its empty most of the time, has other natural features like lake, river, and a park next to it so we can shoot other things as well,

Cons of Location

Not super far but not that close to where we all live. Farthest location from the school so far.

Alternative location: 

Pantai Sanur


Potential Hazards

  • There are some ditches that are hard to spot at night because it is not well lit.

  • Rain

Evaluate Risks

Pretty dangerous, if anyone were to fall they may get injured.

Rain will ruin the video

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

Make sure to be aware of the surroundings before shooting, light the dangerous parts with a torch


Level 21 indoor 

Google Maps Link

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:

Date scenes

Media Language:

Bright lights showing in the brightest part of the relationship

Pros of Location: 

Lots of ambience

Cons of Location

Hard to film, public property and crowded

Alternative location: 

Living World


Potential Hazards

Crowd of people

Evaluate Risks

No space to film, people bumping into each other, walking in front of camera

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

None, we have no rights


Level 21 genteng biru

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:


Media Language:

Outdoors, brightly lit at night, lots of pedestrians

Pros of Location: 

Has tons of shops and cafes, so we can also shoot inside stores.

Cons of Location

Quite crowded, although we want it to be that way we could also be obstructing traffic and disturbing pedestrians

Alternative location: 


Potential Hazards

Getting hit by a car or bike.

Evaluate Risks

Not super dangerous, vehicles stop for pedestrians in this street

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

Be wary of surroundings, have someone help block the way when recording.


Living World photobooth

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:

To convey the message of love through the characters bonding with each other

Media Language:

Bright lighting, colourful clothes and props such as headbands, characters smiling and having fun, good decoration

Pros of Location: 

Well decorated, photogenic spots to shoot such as led light, realistic 

Cons of Location

Schedule problems, overcrowding due to rush hour; possibly delay shooting, noisy. As it is a public space it’s hard to control extraneous variables such as lighting 

Alternative location: 

Bridge in Mertasari beach conveys the same message yet it may be easier to access, cheaper option and easier to not be delayed by overcrowding or rush hour.


Potential Hazards

Faulty wires, uncontrollable crowds, fire hazard, hard to film, no space. 

Evaluate Risks

Regarding the space, as it is public it might be hard for cameramen to bring hefty equipment in tight spaces. This may delay us from getting the right shot and may hence may result in a lot of retakes over incidents such as people walking in front of cameras.

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

Before we film, we can inspect the booth as there are multiple we can look over any wires that are open or look at the equipment in the booth to make it safe for the actors. For fire hazards or earthquakes we will make sure to implement training and drills so that we have the right resources to deal with any situation. 

Rania will be in charge of this location

Reflection: This part of the pre-production was relatively easy and fun as we were able to just go around the island taking some pictures in places we thought would have nice backgrounds for our scenes in the music video. My personal favorite would be the mertasari beach spot, as it is a place I go to often to find peace and quiet since it is a pretty secluded area with not that many people, and so it would be easy to film there with a quiet setting.

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Smartphones Trump Rally

Analyse the significance of the convergence of smartphones with mass communication technology.

"Since the convergence of smartphones with mass communication media technology, this has lead to organised riots and rallies, one example being the January 6th Capitol Riots."

Significance of smartphones in the January 6th Capitol Riots:

- Facilitation of Communication: Rioters and Trump Rally participants were able to share their ideals on the whole election matter, reach a popular idea, create and follow opinion leaders (two-step flow) leading to more people believing a certain story, with this whole thing being a part of the mass community known as the internet, however restricted, not limited to the media bubble surrounding trump supporters, usually on social media platforms that encourage free speech, namely twitter.

- Documentation and Accountability: Recordings of the rally were very soon posted to social media, both from officials and participants. Rioters then recorded themselves storming into the capitol, then posting these crimes onto social media, making it much easier for the police force to locate them and hold them accountable for their actions.

- Global Awareness: Since the footage was released not only to social media but plenty of news outlets, the news and the global public were made aware of the violence going on in the US, as well as the political views of the American people, and in some ways maybe showing how uneducated some Americans can be.

- Resource Sharing: Before the events, rally participants and rioters were able to coordinate the times and locations of the rally through social media topics such as twitter hashtags, instagram pages, facebook groups, etc. 

Impact on Protestors and Authorities during the January 6th Riots:

- Safety, Surveillance and Policing: Protestors who used smartphones during the riots likely were then tracked down afterwards since storming into the capitol would be considered a crime of treason. The convergence of smartphones has made it much easier for authorities to track down participants in riots like these, as with the increase in social media culture regarding participation in certain big events has led to people often posting their activities on social media through accounts that have their credentials, thus their address, etc. The authorities then used this data to track down these people and hold them accountable for their actions. The protestors were then put in danger of being caught due to this convergence in smartphone technology with rioting, as well as the development in social media culture.

Evolution over Time:

- Historical Perspective: Due to smartphones in technological convergence for mass communicative media in this digital age, it has become much easier for rallies like this to happen in larger masses, as the distribution of information is much more widespread through the use of internet and social media. (missing a comparison to other historical movements)

- Global Comparisons: -

Essential Smartphone Features:

- Live Streaming: Trump's rally was livestreamed, and a lot of his tweets were tweeted live during the riots to ufrther