
Monday 9 October 2023

Weekly Progress - Comp 3

 This is the weekly progress for our Component 3 Project


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(13 Feb)

Deadline (Tuesday 13th February)





Semester 1

Week 1

- Worked on Brief & Set up the Blog

- Did a few small research

Week 2

- Today we learnt about Rod Stewart and the best hair in the show business.

- Researched a few more music videos, as well as artist logos, album covers, and social media pages

Week 3

- Further research

- Started Statement of Intent

 - Changed initial music from "Smooth Operator" to "Out of Time"

- Changing my weekly progress format to go into more detail regarding problems, solutions, to do list, and to be more reflective.

Problems: Some of our ideas advised to avoid, had to change entire music and concept

Solution: Re-brainstormed, found a new song to base our project off of, lots of ideas following up from it already.

To-do: Continue statement of intent, finish research, get some reference shots

Week 4

- Finished Research

- Finished Statement of Intent

- Created a Moodboard

- Mini Project as a class (I want it That Way music video)

Problems: clashing ideas for the concept to match our song, artist names clashing

Solution: listing down ideas and will narrow them down later, made a shared doc to brainstorm ideas

To-do: more research 

Week 5

- Mini Project finished

- Discussing lyric structure with the atmosphere, lighting, mood, etc.

Problems: conflicting structure visions, fragmented narrative and chronological stuff clashing

Solution: working on finding a compromise

Week 6

- Cast list candidates finished

- Intro idea finalised

Problems: conflicting cast ideas, structure ideas, unrealistic filming scenarios

Solution: hosting auditions, writing down our ideas, compromise on easier-to-film scenes

Week 7

- Cast finalised, star: Juna, characters: me and Rania

- Storyboard in progress

- Done reflection on all blog posts

Problems: want to start filming, but lots of clashing schedules due to exams, performances, internships and holiday plans

Solution: find another time

Semester 2

Week 1

- Started the new semester, new blog format to make it easier for my dear examiners to check <3

- Done with location scouting

- Risk assessment done

Problems: no filming done yet, storyboard needs improvement, allign our ideas and views

Solution: filming schedule, will work on storyboard together to allign ideas


- make reflection more personal and how i felt about the tasks rather than descriptive

- credit in red text on top to whoever did it

- research not finished

- branding research (digipack, sosmed, mv, connection between all)

- storyboard additional pages as ideas change

- weekly progress more detail on tasks that ive done. problems not concise enough, adding to-do list

Week 2

- Storyboard for intro/outro done
- Outfits in talk
- Made a filming schedule, getting intro/outro done in a few days 

Problems: when demonstrating ideas for scenes, we didnt have a car in the classroom
Solution: we used a person and a chair to demonstrate and recorded on our phone
- Filming (See link above)
- Social Media
- Photoshoot for album covers
- Group Photo
- Research not finished

Week 3

- Most of the lyric sheet is outlined with certain scenes
- Filmed a few verses and Intro/Outro

Problems: RAINNNNN
Solution: Filmed indoors
- finish filming soon
- digipack/album/social media

Week 4

- Recorded moving scenes with vehicles, mall lipsyncing
- Finished lyric sheet

Problems: Rained on again
Soultion: Brainstormed different ideas to do while it was raining, or take advantage of rain

Week 5

- Recorded room scenes, mall scenes, most lipsyncing done
- Digipak ideas done, social media outlined for a theme and using celebs/people we know as reference

Problems: RAINNNN
Solution: Filmed indoors and took advantage of puddly parking lot. take that rain :)

- Photoshoot for digipack and social media
- Finish off the last few verses of the video
- Edit

Week 6

- Did digipak and social media photoshoot
- Final product music video finished
- Digipak front cover finished
- Made a teaser

Problems: Actors now on different schedules, different curfews, etc. When some directors weren't on set we finished up different areas of the project.
Solution: Found the right time windows, prepped everything before actors got there to be ready for a 10min shoot

- Blog Development
- Uploading Sosmed
- Digipak inside and back

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