
Tuesday 31 January 2023

Media Regulations - Advertisements (ASA)

 The ASA is the Advertising Standards Authority, which regulates the ads circling around UK media, making sure they stick to the advertising rules/codes. They regulate these ads by taking in complaints from the viewers, and then handling them accordingly. The consequences can range from warnings, to fines, to getting banned during the watershed (5am-9pm when children are likely watching media such as Youtube & TV), to being banned permanently.

Wild Deodorant Dirty Talk Case Study

Wild Cosmetics, a deodorant company, released an ad in 2022 titled 'Dirty Talk' 

 This ad was seen controversial as it was extremely suggestive in the movement of the actress at the start, as well as the subtle sexual talk done by her and the polar bear while in bed. A parent reported this ad to the ASA as their son had seen it on a YouTube video. Said video was a Minecraft video, likely a walkthrough of the game. These types of videos are targeted towards young children or young teens, who shouldn't be seeing ads such as the 'Dirty Talk'. The ASA responded to this complaint by sending a soft warning to Wild Cosmetics, telling them to regulate their targeted ads better as to not target children. Ever since then, at least publicly known, there hasn't been a complaint on the said Wild ad.

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