
Sunday 14 August 2022

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Teh Pucuk

  • Media Language: 

The camera consists of outwards zoom on people eating spicy food, allowing for changing fov and gives way
for smooth background editing to fire. Dolly towards basketball at the start gives a feeling of playing basketball.
Dutch angle on girl when caterpillar presenting teh pucuk arrives to show excitement. All scenes representing hot/spicy lead up to
the point of Teh Pucuk being refreshing. The set design consists of a Basketball court, House, Dining Table.
Targeted towards low-middle class.

  • Audience: Teens - adults, as the star appeal is young adults that experience relatable daily heat struggles.

  • Representation: none

  • Industry: Bottled drinks, tea


  • Media Language:

The camera is rather simple, showing medium body shots of each actor drinking the tehbotol.
The establishing shot in the beginning shows a group of people eating together, indicating that the drink goes well with food.
The drinking shots come after the meal shots, so it shows how it gives a refreshing taste after a meal.
Editing gives a frame for the medium shots in a flowy form, to indicate the drink flowing down the throat.
  • Audience: Middle aged people who have jobs, as the star appeals are people in that age-range.

The ‘low calorie’ on the label also is usually target towards people who try to take care of their health, usually not kids.
  • Representation: none

  • Industry: Bottled drinks, tea

Teh Javana

  • Media Language: Establishing shots of bottle with zoom and spinning. Showcasing the look of the

  • tea inside the bottle. Dutch angles give a more ecstatic scene.

  • Audience: Teens to Young Adults as the star appeals are people around that age that are

having fun talking.
  • Representation: none

  • Industry: Bottled drinks, tea


Quick closeup shots with quick cuts of showcasing the bottle (drumming the bottle, passing the bottle
around a group of friends - no face shown -, waterfalling the tea with shining sun in the background,
throw bottle up into the sun, fall back down and cut to person studying in calm dark room catch the bottle
and take a sip, logo fades in the middle of the screen, sub text underneath fades in later is the tagline)



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